Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Notions Continue........

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Hello Lovely People,

Notion 2:

I think I have heard many women say that CHRISTIAN BROTHERS are boring.. LMFO.. ahahha  I don’t know about you but some Christians  brothers are not boring including the SPIRIT  filled i.e. spiro spiro ones. Some of them may appear boring based on their looks i.e. clothes but if you get to know some of them they can be witty and fun. It all depends on what you consider as fun lol.

CHRISTIANITY does not stop or impede anyone from having an amazing personality, although you aim not to be of the WORLD (which I think that’s why some people say Christianity is boring). But there are  many Christian activities  that one can engage in and  can find stimulating e.g. reading groups, bowling clubs, football etc etc. You can even invent your own and make it fun for other people to feel comfortable Christian or no Christian. 

Notion 3:
Materialistic world:  is the current world we live in in case you didn’t know or are oblivious. Practically every prayer point is about getting more cars/bigger cars, multiple houses, a bigger EVERYTHING. It is Not about saving the world, sharing the gospel,  saving the poor/dying children, inventing a new medicine to cure cancer, inventing strategic ways to tackle  unemployment/poverty/disease  etc etc.

This is a world where if you don’t have the latest thing you are probably ermm ancient. Consequently, for some of us we love to compare ourselves with other PEOPLE, as a result our motives behind our prayer  points is associated with MORE  and MORE material things to oppress so and so.  It no longer has anything to do with God, celebrating the light in us etc etc. We are too busy comparing, contrasting and counting other people blessings that our own qualities and beauty suffers because as far as we know our little minds cannot dream big and appreciate our worth. Not only do we pray selfish prayers, we also look to other humans as gods to reach out to. Does this make sense?

Well let me elaborate, for some of us, we are moved by what we see hence we want it NOT because it is good for us but because we see it, our eyes WANT IT and so we will GO out of our way to GET IT. In doing so, we fail to anticipate or simply * disacknowledge * the costs, the consequences and potentially the hidden truth that is often not discussed.  When we get there, it sometime becomes too late to get OUT.

 You do not understand?

Some of us are JUST PLAIN GREEDY AND WE LOVE IT (But it’s sad because there are always consequences for EVERY ACTIONS be it indirect or direct).

Note: Am not saying we should not ask God for blessings. The thing is, well my believe is, he has already blessed us maybe a) We need to change our mentality, blessings does not have to be in form of material things. b)Maybe all we need to do is just ask for  direction from the Lord to use our talents and qualities to attain the riches he has promised us (knowing fully well that his riches are everlasting and it can never finish).

P.S. : Disacknowledge is a made up word… lol.

In conclusion, life is a learning process, NOBODY has it EASY.

God is good in the good times and bad. 


  1. I don‘t think all Christian brothers are boring..that‘s just so stereotype.
    I agree with you on ‘Notion 3‘. It‘s just a consequence of the kind of world we live in. We all need to seek to know God and pray more to be blessed with the fruit of the Spirit. Every other thing will fall into place.

    1. AMen... we do.. we should pray for a better way to pray... i.e. selfless prayer..xx

      thanks for visiting and commenting..

  2. God is indeed good at all times - good and bad. I think the notions are on point and I wonder at those who just blanked people like that.

  3. Man is majorly moved by what they see, so a man that is not spiritually conscious will go that direction.

    And for peeps that say Christian brothers are boring, I wonder what their definition of boring is.

  4. Xtain brothers boring?....some...personally,if a brother comes on me too spiro-spiro, i go run! They are the ones that have more skeletons in their cupboard!*justsaying*
    The human mind and heart...who can know it all?..we are moved more by our emotions, hence the bible says the heart of a man is wickedly deceitful.
    We need the spirit of GOD to help us suppress our worldly spirit so that we can conform to the laws of GOD by HIS grace.

    1. lol..ahahha Mami Ibahde lol at spiro spiro.
      we do ohh spirit of God very essential.xx

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Every one likes a bit of swag. Not excessive though. I dont agree christain brothers are boring in this day and age oh!!

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