Thursday, 1 March 2012

Conclusion!!! Really??

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Happy New month Everyone, I pray we will tap into the joy and mercy this month brings. None of us by HIS GRACE will know any form of  sorrow or pain this month. I pray whatever situation anyone is in at the moment, I join my faith with them and I say it is established. Your heart desires which are in line with his words are established by faith... REJOICE OHHH...... AND SHARE THE LOVE.

I should have concluded my marriage theme on the 29th but  have been busy, thought I do a quick one now.

I want to say a massive THANK YOU to all that commented and contributed various ideas whilst reading the posts in February. THANK YOU to all that read and still reading. To my new and old followers THANK YOU. Ok, will stop being mushy now. lol.

There are many aspects of marriage that I could have covered but I did not(maybe some other time heheh). But marriage is dynamic and there are some aspects that are yet to be revealed to me i.e. my mind and spirit However, for now I can only comprehend so much, seeing that am still growing and learning, I will keep advancing in all areas.

Note: I am not married yet nor have I been ever married before this is all part of God's work in me.

Finally, things I did not mention and should have mentioned in detail includes FINANCE, Debt, Family Planning, pre -marriage counselling etc etc.

It is important that both parties communicate i.e. talk, discuss, listen, observe, (keep listening, ask questions and get deep).

There is no particular way to the success of anything, it is the application of what we do and how we do it that makes the major impact at the end of the day.

For me ohhh, I am grateful I have God who has my back all the way including Hubby's ofcourse(it aint gonna be easy, but does anything good come easily in life??). One of the significant things I do is to pray for myself and my husband including our marriage as in no be say pray selfish prayer provide me with a husband NO ohh cos I know he has. Besides am referring to  prayers like  let him be rich or his mother berra be dead lol(I will not be surprised, people pray for success when they want to kill or steal, watch Yoruba movies and see my point). Not that am saying praying for him to be rich is bad, but pray fully understanding that you are able to cope with his workaholic lifestyle if he happens to have one, pray that he is generous and not selfish, cos trust not every rich person is generous  (not that I am bothered if he is rich or not, he must be self sufficient/debt free  without any form of addiction to gambling or betting or any form of damaging addictions. Besides, I am far more  concerned with other  deeper aspects than meets the eye, abeg marriage na for better for worse. you never know what that worse entails).

But prayers like every form of emotional blackmail, abuse, regrets, failures etc etc God should help him to deal with NOW before he enters into the marriage. I pray the same prayer for me too. More prayers like: Give him the grace and the strength to be a leader, make decisions and see my as an helper and supporter, be a good role model, be faithful, committed and transparent etc etc(Holy spirit tends to inspire me for more prayer points concerning our marraige and when I see things or hear things I also pray about them).  The fact is people change and the scariest thought I have is, marrying the sweetest man in the world and few years down the line (MONSTER). It is not my portion in JESUS NAME but sadly it happens. Most importantly for me I pray to marry someone that has the level of maturity if not more, level of Mindset in all aspects i.e. spirituality, emotionally, intellectually, financially, physically, mentally etc. I pray for someone that has the MIND OF CHRIST. He does not pretend to be what he is not, he recognises he is HUMAN and will make mistakes but HE takes responsibility (but he is also accountable hence, he does not mistake an opportunity  for taking advantage), repents and MOVES ON. I pray this prayer because this is the WOMAN I am and inspire to be more of  NOW and in the Future.

Although, I am passionate about marriage etc, I do not just want to marry for the sake of it, I want to be married and remain HAPPY in my marriage no matter what, fulfil purpose and make a difference (two heads are better than one right?? Besides that (its golden for me).I am confessing my desires to God.

 So In summary this is what Marriage means to me:

a)Fulfilling one of many God's visions.
b) Willingness to share my freedom with someone that I know is worth all the energy, time and devotion.
c)Going on an adventure that can be so elevating, fulfilling, demanding, challenging, loving, memorable, sweet, annoying, awesome and most importantly ACCOUNTABLE.

I am done NOW......

I cant wait to blog about other things other than marriage chai...see me ohh..

Thanks for reading, visiting and indulging..

God is love, love on yourself and others too.



  1. You did a wonderful job sweetie. More ink to your pen *hug* Now looking forward to knowing your take on other issues

    1. Thank u love....(hugs)..... AMEN.... more ink to my pen... YAY......

      Yep, am looking forward to discussing other issues..

      Thank u so much for visiting love... much appreciated..


  2. Good one dear! Yes, prayer is extremely important, but so is our conscious effort. Sometimes we pray and leave things to God with little or no effort; we must work hard to manifest our desires/prayers in our daily actions.

    1. Thank you hun... hugs for visiting.. YAY...

      U are right no point praying and not working towards that prayer. Its a conscious thing.....

  3. Hello my dear, it's been a while and i want to say a big thank you for your e-mails and still checking on me to see if i would come back and am so touched that i wondered i could mean so much to somebody apart from my immediate family....thank you so much....i do visit your blog to read on weekends but don't comment. I am touched by your confidence in would hear from me soon my dear friend...tnx so much.xoxo

  4. Dear sister, kindly visit my blog to collect the LOYALTY AWARD, i have presented to you. I appreciate you. :D

    aka nitty-gritty.


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