Hi People of the Earth, aka blogsville family,
Waving with love.....
I am determined to complete the story despite(my tired sleepy self, but a Deal is a deal....).
So in 1997, I got the letter of redundancy and the first thought that popped in my head was this is not ordinary, but then again most people were being made redundant around the Organisation at the time. The other thought that came to mind was maybe its time to end this life. I hate to admit it, but I was tempted to visit the Lagos Island river many times to do a jump. But, the beautiful faces of my girls held me back.
As I decided to let God take control, I proceeded with other options available i.e. travelling abroad and making my dreams come true for my girls. Although, at this time, my Husband was not around, I did my best to relocate the children to a much closer City, and we also moved house. Thank God for that.
I used my savings to fund my children education into Secondary School and still pursing my abroad dream, I realized I could not do it by myself anymore. I needed God support, I needed him to show me the way. It was until then, my husband that had abandoned us came back into our lives. Yes, he was trying to patch things together... I couldn't figure out which was bad that he had four children with the other Lady or it was the worst decision I made in my life to marry such a Man..
Nevertheless, he was the one God used to support me with my travelling documents which I had to pray fervently to God for directions.
Upon getting to abroad to stay with an old friend, I made sure my children had enough financial support and help. I arrived to stay with a friend of mine who once lived with me in Nigeria, but the pleasantries that I expected were only from my side. I thought I had met wicked when I was in Nigeria then,I just got married and I remember a tenant that I took as a friend. It turned out she was not of God, and Yes, she attacked me spiritually for a cause I am yet to find explanation for. To think of it, was it the fact I caught my husband in her room or was it because I didn't allow her to carry my child. All I know is, she attacked me, sent thieves around my house in the middle of the Night with my girls there, and then proceeded to attack spiritually too. But I thank for his mercies and protection.
So, it was as if this my friend abroad had it in for me big time, always complaining, mourning, insulting etc. She did welcome me for the first day, but few days later she showed me her true self or should I say her wicked and heartless self. I tried getting a job and for first few months I stayed with her I got the worst insults, shame, abuse even in front of her kids. This was someone that knew my situation and knew what I had been through and how I was still trying to make something out of myself. And No, I didn't sit around all day doing nothing, how can I?? I worked in the Bank for almost 20 years serving the customers, managers, investors etc. I worked all my life, I cannot be lazy and I do not know how to be Lazy. Eventhough, my Husband knew this and laughed at me and told me how much I was fooling myself going abroad to work. But, when I call home to speak with my children, they encourage me, they tell me "Mummy, it was not suppose to be easy, if it was easy then we will all have the same story but its meant to be tough and challenging. However, Mum you know you will get through this. You have in the past, and you will in the future. Remember, the Lord is your strength and rely on him". Just hearing their voices and the words alone charged me up to try and keep trying.
I would say, Yes, I did the odd jobs, jobs I would shun and not look at. The odd jobs that are popular for people abroad to sometimes do... cleaning, carework, security guards etc. I thank God, I was able to save enough to go back home.
On getting home, I met my children and I was glad to see them, but I was told one of them was kidnapped, my heart flew straight out of my mouth. To say I was perplexed was an understatement, just that moment in time, I said to myself I will never leave my Children ever again. I cannot trust anyone with my girls no way.. I am grateful to God that none were raped or used for something even beyond my imagination. To be funny, I felt one of my breast go weak as if I knew something was not right at home, this was of course while I was abroad. I am glad God answered my prayers and he made it possible.
I planned with my cousin to get an apartment together abroad and Yes we did. But, did he not show his true colours he did. He would switch of the gas, the TV, the fridge, everything.. At some point, he said I should take my girls back to their father that life would be less unbearable here. In addition, himself and couple of others said it was impossible for them to go to School, University or Graduate. Including my Husband their father said it. I stood strong knowing God was my strength and my word, and we persevered and its paid off.
There are many challenges, hurdles and some serious financial struggles but we got through in the end. Today, as I speak I am a Proud Mother of two beautiful Graduates. I am grateful that against all odds, I got to see them succeed with my very own eyes. How awesome is that...
Yes, my marriage did not work like I wanted it too, I tried my hardest but I am grateful I got two rare gems out of it. How GREAT is Our God.
I will encourage you today to hold on, don't ever stop believing God for what you want and for his will upon your life. I believe this testimony is for someone today to take courage and run the race. Your joy is coming...
NOTE:This is a true life story of my Mother written through me to encourage us and myself that God is a Miracle worker.
I have also inserted some awesome pics of myself and awesome pic of my....... hmm guess who???...

Waving with love.....
I am determined to complete the story despite(my tired sleepy self, but a Deal is a deal....).
So in 1997, I got the letter of redundancy and the first thought that popped in my head was this is not ordinary, but then again most people were being made redundant around the Organisation at the time. The other thought that came to mind was maybe its time to end this life. I hate to admit it, but I was tempted to visit the Lagos Island river many times to do a jump. But, the beautiful faces of my girls held me back.
As I decided to let God take control, I proceeded with other options available i.e. travelling abroad and making my dreams come true for my girls. Although, at this time, my Husband was not around, I did my best to relocate the children to a much closer City, and we also moved house. Thank God for that.
I used my savings to fund my children education into Secondary School and still pursing my abroad dream, I realized I could not do it by myself anymore. I needed God support, I needed him to show me the way. It was until then, my husband that had abandoned us came back into our lives. Yes, he was trying to patch things together... I couldn't figure out which was bad that he had four children with the other Lady or it was the worst decision I made in my life to marry such a Man..
Nevertheless, he was the one God used to support me with my travelling documents which I had to pray fervently to God for directions.
Upon getting to abroad to stay with an old friend, I made sure my children had enough financial support and help. I arrived to stay with a friend of mine who once lived with me in Nigeria, but the pleasantries that I expected were only from my side. I thought I had met wicked when I was in Nigeria then,I just got married and I remember a tenant that I took as a friend. It turned out she was not of God, and Yes, she attacked me spiritually for a cause I am yet to find explanation for. To think of it, was it the fact I caught my husband in her room or was it because I didn't allow her to carry my child. All I know is, she attacked me, sent thieves around my house in the middle of the Night with my girls there, and then proceeded to attack spiritually too. But I thank for his mercies and protection.
So, it was as if this my friend abroad had it in for me big time, always complaining, mourning, insulting etc. She did welcome me for the first day, but few days later she showed me her true self or should I say her wicked and heartless self. I tried getting a job and for first few months I stayed with her I got the worst insults, shame, abuse even in front of her kids. This was someone that knew my situation and knew what I had been through and how I was still trying to make something out of myself. And No, I didn't sit around all day doing nothing, how can I?? I worked in the Bank for almost 20 years serving the customers, managers, investors etc. I worked all my life, I cannot be lazy and I do not know how to be Lazy. Eventhough, my Husband knew this and laughed at me and told me how much I was fooling myself going abroad to work. But, when I call home to speak with my children, they encourage me, they tell me "Mummy, it was not suppose to be easy, if it was easy then we will all have the same story but its meant to be tough and challenging. However, Mum you know you will get through this. You have in the past, and you will in the future. Remember, the Lord is your strength and rely on him". Just hearing their voices and the words alone charged me up to try and keep trying.
I would say, Yes, I did the odd jobs, jobs I would shun and not look at. The odd jobs that are popular for people abroad to sometimes do... cleaning, carework, security guards etc. I thank God, I was able to save enough to go back home.
On getting home, I met my children and I was glad to see them, but I was told one of them was kidnapped, my heart flew straight out of my mouth. To say I was perplexed was an understatement, just that moment in time, I said to myself I will never leave my Children ever again. I cannot trust anyone with my girls no way.. I am grateful to God that none were raped or used for something even beyond my imagination. To be funny, I felt one of my breast go weak as if I knew something was not right at home, this was of course while I was abroad. I am glad God answered my prayers and he made it possible.
I planned with my cousin to get an apartment together abroad and Yes we did. But, did he not show his true colours he did. He would switch of the gas, the TV, the fridge, everything.. At some point, he said I should take my girls back to their father that life would be less unbearable here. In addition, himself and couple of others said it was impossible for them to go to School, University or Graduate. Including my Husband their father said it. I stood strong knowing God was my strength and my word, and we persevered and its paid off.
There are many challenges, hurdles and some serious financial struggles but we got through in the end. Today, as I speak I am a Proud Mother of two beautiful Graduates. I am grateful that against all odds, I got to see them succeed with my very own eyes. How awesome is that...
Yes, my marriage did not work like I wanted it too, I tried my hardest but I am grateful I got two rare gems out of it. How GREAT is Our God.
I will encourage you today to hold on, don't ever stop believing God for what you want and for his will upon your life. I believe this testimony is for someone today to take courage and run the race. Your joy is coming...
NOTE:This is a true life story of my Mother written through me to encourage us and myself that God is a Miracle worker.
I have also inserted some awesome pics of myself and awesome pic of my....... hmm guess who???...
Note: You are not allowed to copy any of these pictures without the authors/blog owner permission. It is illegal and certainly consider a theft.. God is watching you.. Watch..
God is love, love yourself and love on others.....