Saturday 27 September 2014


Hi Everyone,

Trust we are all doing GREAT!!

Wow, I have been gone for so long it does not feel like it. I am just missing from the world of blogsville.
I feel like I have left the community I used to be so part of.
Funny enough, I do still think about the people I got acquainted with Tolu, Atiola, Ibahde, Sykik and many more.
I have decided that at some point this year, it is  most  likely this blog will be closing down.
I do plan to start something new perhaps have a YouTube channel which I plan to link below we will see.I don't want to start something and then leave it halfway etc I would want to start and ensure I see through.

This  blog was born out of a reason that some of you may know and now I believe unfortunately 'Life In Stages' will be closing off. I feel so sad saying this but it is the sheer truth.
 I have been praying and hoping for the fire to come back but it feels as though am forcing myself.

I rather face the tune than keep running away.
I have come to accept this is the stage where my blog will stop for NOW!! It is too scary.

In the mean time, I have pictures to share.
My natural hair journey is still going well and I have reached one year mark! Whoopie


My Beautiful Mum and I.
As a birthday present, we treated her to a photoshoot which went well.

Looking Smoking HOT! If I must say Makeup by my Sis AramakeupandStudious
Highlight this year so far! Driving a car Y'all lol (It is the Lord's doing)
Going to Notting Hill Carnival for the first time!
Attending one of my friend's wedding
Going to Nigeria after plentyplenty years!
Getting a promotion (by faith oo)

I do believe there will be many more. I plan to share by his grace. Birthday is coming up Whoop Whoop!
I plan to share that.

I hope you are all blessed.
I miss you all so much you are in my prayers. xoxoxox

Welcome Back!!!

Thank you for visiting. Comments, Views, Opinions, Expressions, Ideas etc etc are all welcome.. Hello Beautiful People, How's ever...