Hello Everyone,
How are we? I hope we are well.
I am still enjoying the spring. Yippe..
I have a new template now... pls let me know what you think.
I would like to say a lovely Thank YOU to Afronuts for doing a blog review on my blog and a host of others. I found it very encouraging. lol. So a mini capture of what he said about my blog....
"DOHK is practically a teacher because there’s a lot of stuff you can learn from her blog posts; she kind of counsels you and gives answers to a myriad of questions you may have never thought of asking."
I practically grinned from ear to ear lol. Please visit his blog to read more. Thank you Bro, May God continue to appreciate you as you do others. x
Quick update:
I went to London for few days.. Yikes. It was my friend Jelony's bday (she had a dating blog at some last year). I did the catering for the food, made delicious coconut rice, chicken, gizzard and plantain and baked birthday cake. It was well loved (Thank God). I also got to meet up with friends including a childhood friend from Nigeria. All in all it was a long and fun weekend.
Back to the topic of today. I really would like to make it crisp and straight to the point.
I am not sure about you but goodness some of us do inhabit and exhibit some scary traits and attitudes. Its scary because it hurts other people and yet we still defend ourselves. I personally have had to learn the hard way about things because I can be very oblivious and quite innocent in my approach to life though am glad I am. I am very trusting of people and tend to allow people to show themselves before I make a run for it.While I advocate second chances and opportunities, I for one also know we humans are unpredictable.
This topic is simply about humans or more like individuals that are USERS. Having experience a first hand of people with such traits, I complied a mini lists below. I actually copied it from my Facebook as I posted it sometime ago.
Manipulative: Uses you for what you are/good @.
Conniving: Always plotting a plan.
Sweet talker: Knows how to get under your skin.
Pretender: Rarely upfront.
Takes advantage: Seeks opportunity, find the opportunity and drop the person asap.
Malicious: Spiteful remarks and looks.
Commitment issues: Always hopping from one place to the other.
Drains your energy: Wants to hear your opinion ONLY to feel better not necessarily change for the best.
Insensitive: Don't consider your feelings.
Patronising: Never truly means it/meant it.
How are we? I hope we are well.
I am still enjoying the spring. Yippe..
I have a new template now... pls let me know what you think.
I would like to say a lovely Thank YOU to Afronuts for doing a blog review on my blog and a host of others. I found it very encouraging. lol. So a mini capture of what he said about my blog....
"DOHK is practically a teacher because there’s a lot of stuff you can learn from her blog posts; she kind of counsels you and gives answers to a myriad of questions you may have never thought of asking."
I practically grinned from ear to ear lol. Please visit his blog to read more. Thank you Bro, May God continue to appreciate you as you do others. x
Quick update:
I went to London for few days.. Yikes. It was my friend Jelony's bday (she had a dating blog at some last year). I did the catering for the food, made delicious coconut rice, chicken, gizzard and plantain and baked birthday cake. It was well loved (Thank God). I also got to meet up with friends including a childhood friend from Nigeria. All in all it was a long and fun weekend.
Back to the topic of today. I really would like to make it crisp and straight to the point.
I am not sure about you but goodness some of us do inhabit and exhibit some scary traits and attitudes. Its scary because it hurts other people and yet we still defend ourselves. I personally have had to learn the hard way about things because I can be very oblivious and quite innocent in my approach to life though am glad I am. I am very trusting of people and tend to allow people to show themselves before I make a run for it.While I advocate second chances and opportunities, I for one also know we humans are unpredictable.
This topic is simply about humans or more like individuals that are USERS. Having experience a first hand of people with such traits, I complied a mini lists below. I actually copied it from my Facebook as I posted it sometime ago.
Manipulative: Uses you for what you are/good @.
Conniving: Always plotting a plan.
Sweet talker: Knows how to get under your skin.
Pretender: Rarely upfront.
Takes advantage: Seeks opportunity, find the opportunity and drop the person asap.
Malicious: Spiteful remarks and looks.
Commitment issues: Always hopping from one place to the other.
Drains your energy: Wants to hear your opinion ONLY to feel better not necessarily change for the best.
Insensitive: Don't consider your feelings.
Patronising: Never truly means it/meant it.
While my lists might completely exclude some facts and include mainly opinions. I do believe USERS are one to watch especially if you are someone that a)You are not sharp and b) You are too nice. I find that, to deal with users I have to constantly think fast ahead of them, apply strategic pointers and constantly be aware of myself. That in itself is a job on its own. I am real and transparent and its just hard work to constantly feel am second guessing somebody, or overly cautious or thinking sharper. Its just too much stress for me to handle.
Hence, my ways of dealing with USERS is to a )spot them from the onset and stay clear away from them asap except in exception cases or b) keep them at arms length distance or even further.
Don't get me wrong people can still change and there are rooms for improvement as I always encourage the opportunity to learn from mistakes and be better. However, I strongly feel it is not a good approach to consciously allow myself to suffer knowingly in the hands of a user and its traits. Besides, its totally unnecessary.
My point: chose your battles carefully and be fully aware whether you are in a relationship, friendship or whatever with a USER the price to pay might be costly and irreversible.
P.S. Users can buy you with anything they know you like. They are smart and full of conniving ideas. They never truly say much about themselves or over says too much.They are mild ones and extreme in some cases.
P.S. Users can buy you with anything they know you like. They are smart and full of conniving ideas. They never truly say much about themselves or over says too much.They are mild ones and extreme in some cases.
Enjoy the little good left in this world, show kindness and I pray God will pour his anointing on us afresh...
Please don't forget to comment and share your thoughts. xoxo
I baked this cake delish cake for a client.
Me posing away. lol. x