Sunday, 21 August 2011

Drive Out The Old MAN.....

Hello Bloggville...(Waving).

So, yes I actually haven't  gotten deep on this blog before (the time is coming, lol). Ok, today after church I have decided to share the preaching that was inspired by my Pastor.

The idea of this topic is to just enlighten us on our journey with salvation and our relationship with God.

So after receiving the word preached today, I will explain (through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit) with a less altered version.

I would encourage us to have a Bible, a pen and paper to take notes if we want..

In general, the purpose of accepting Jesus as our personal saviour is that we  believe he died for all the sins of men and for us to receive eternal life. In addition, this propels us to be born-again in other to see the Kingdom of God. John 3:3. Thus, to be born -again is to accept we now have a new life with Jesus and our old ways are passed away.  2 Corithians 5:17.NKV "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away, behold all things have become new" This  was what Paul wrote in the Bible. So if this case, that after receiving Jesus in our hearts, our sinful ways which is the old ways of doing things without law, conscience or responsibility  is now all in the past. But yet, many of us are born again and our actions are still very much the old way, i.e. we still have not changed in any shape, way or form. In fact, there is no difference at all in our character, attitude, perception, mentality and relationship with God. People i.e. our friends or general people that know Us cannot say we have changed at all or tell that we have JESUS in our Lives..

The questions is why:

  THE OLD MAN IS NOT GONE, In fact if anything we are still negotiating with the Old MAN, still playing 50:50.  In essence, some of are still feeding our desires that is against the will of God for our lives, we still live a life of deceit, unfaithfulness, cruel, anger, wrath, disobedience, etc. We fail to repent and receive redemption. If in fact we do ask forgiveness we fail to practice a second chance of saying NO and putting repentance into actions and avoiding the things   JESUS hates and has encouraged us not to indulge in. WE KNOW right?

Accepting JESUS and being born-again does not mean the battle ends, that you automatically change or you miraculously become a changed person (something I have come to know with my relationship with God). As we are all aware any change takes a process, its takes  stages of different antidotes we are exposed to, to create a shift of mentality and attitude. Hence, Romans 6:6 encourages us that NKV: "Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be one with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin."  Now, if this is what must of us believe why are we still struggling with sin, if we truly believe the old man has been crucified with JESUS and the body of sin is dead... Why do some of us with our born-again claim still refuse to leave our old habits or precisely still living in it.

Three reasons WHY:
1)We are yet to actually receive grace and power to renew our minds
2)We are yet to admit we are not living the life God has called us to live
3) We are yet to stop feeding the old man and making a decision to accept deliverance and maintain it.

Colossians Ch 3: 8, NKJ,  But now yourselves, are to put  off all: anger, wrath. malice, blasphemy, filthy language, out of your mouth... ". My question is : How often do we practice this??

Vs 9: "Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds". Vs 10 "And have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of  Him who created him". Another question, How much time do we spend with God and his word to gain strength and have knowledge of him and his love?

What is meant by the old man? The old man is that which dwells in us that makes us rebel against the will of God for our lives...Which is to live a sinful life without  confession of sins, repentance of actions and lack of cultivating a strong relationship with him to stand and conquer all that is negative..
In essence, the old man could be that thing that drives you away from experiencing the presence of God and to have a sincere heart with him.

Number 33:55 NKV, makes us understand that " But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall be that those whom you let remain shall be irritants in your eyes and thorns in your sides.  and they shall harass you in the land where you dwell." Note the word You, this suggest the responsibility lies on us to make a daily effort to drive out the old man. If we refuse to, we will reap the consequences. But, You and I both know we do not have to rely on our strength to do it or overcome,  there is grace, Mark 11-23-24.(simply google this).

Significantly, we need to understand that the the old man does not want to leave, inf act if anything it wants to grow and grow to kill the new man. But, you have responsibility to feed your soul, your spirit man to remain strong and say NO to the things that God rejects and it is not his will. I am still a work in progress, so you are not alone. Although, we are all at different stages in our lives and relationships with God, we should make effort to check ourselves and ensure we are living according to his will.

Ways  to Drive out  the Old Man.
1)1st Corithians Ch 5, Do not let the Old man negotiate with you, your flesh will negotiate with you, but you must stand firm,  believing the Lord God is your strength and you are doing it for a greater good.

2)Lets Kill the Old Man once and for all. Philippians 4:8. Whatever  things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report". We are encouraged to dwell on this things with a renewal of mind.

3) The application of the word of God and doing his word. We should not be hearers only, we should doers too. Mattew 13 (pls google it and read it all and let it minister to you).

4) You must also allow the Holy Spirit to help you. JOHN 16 (again google is there or you can simply grab your bible and please read it all).

In addition, you must not forget to allow God to reign in your heart, as JESUS encouraged us, when a man is delivered from an unclean spirit, he goes through dry places, seeking rest and find none... He says, he will return to the house which he came out from (Please read Matthew 12 vs 13 for the rest). Hence, the situation of a person is more worse than the first... God will continue to teach us.

Finally,  you will know your new man is growing when you begin to lose appetite in things you had pleasure doing and you cant bring yourself to do it any longer.

It can't be easy as we are all faced with different battles, challenges and situations but do not forget GOD is bigger than it all.

My mini testimony: I used to be a big malice keeper and I can make a decision  not to speak or say hello to people that offend me for years. Including my own mother and sister, it sounds funny we are close now. But, there was a time I was not a nice child to mum and I was quite a rebel.  But I am glad I am now longer that person, infact when people hurt me I will personally go and apologies and make peace. I cant stand malice FACT,  my SPIRIT rejects it.. I cant stand it,  even when the other party or person is in the wrong I will feel compel to make amends. I will tell you, that can only be GOD.

I also used to harbor alot of hatred and unforgivable, I was not happy child at all (in some cases, looking back around the age of 9 till about 11ish).  Back, then, I didn't even know how to smile, I was angry, went to bed angry, woke up angry and growing up in boarding school did not make things any better. Thus, people generally assume am a bully, but deep down, I was just confused I guess...

But I am no longer that person, I am not confuse, I still have my mouth ohh... (but I now you use it in a positive way, have actually forgotten how to insult except in a posh way.. lol). I smile every day and I am incredibly friendly (i like to think sha, I love making people laugh now, but I guess am more mature too and the spirit of God in me is more mature.. ) So, I am still work in progress but I have  come a long way to being who I am now and who I inspire to be... AMEN

SO.. pls feel free to drop anything on your mind and if you have any prayer point pls do not hesitate to let me know..

Am done Now.. Thanks for reading and stopping by.

God is LOVE, Love yourself and on others too..

Watch out for another inspiration story.. OUR LIFE, OUR STORY, OUR JOURNEY...... Be inspired.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Random Things......

Dear Readers,

How are you and I hope you had a fab weekend.
OK, so I decided to let you into my world in this post and I have always wanted to share random things. So, here we go.

1)As a child, I loved sniffing  my mum's armpit, I wouldn't go to bed without sniffing her armpit (Gross I know). It does not end there, I also loved sniffing my mum's clothes, as in it was so bad that I took one of her blouses to boarding house and I made sure I didnt wash the cloth lol (U dont want to know where we found it). Anyways, I stopped sniffing just last year, I sniffed my mum's clothes till I was a teenager and I started sniffinmy mine, mostly african wrapper sha. lol. Please laugh, and trust me people thought it was very weird,  to the extent it was suggested I needed deliverance.. people. Sha, I stopped cos I thought no way am taking this to my husband house. (Check this Scenario)
Hubby- Baby, lets get down on it...
Me-  "am like now, noo ohh  I want to sniff my wrapper..". Imagine that. lol

2)I hate okro, felt they choked me. When I was much younger I thought the black studs in plantain were insects. I would not eat it until it was all removed. In my younger days lol, I loved Fela and his music so much and I copied the ladies thus, I used to shake my bum to every tom, dick and harry ( ok, I EXAGGERATED abit). But, I would generally show this talent (so I thought), I would show this to people I generally like. So one day, I told this Uncle to carry him or lift me up rather, I was screaming and he said he wouldn't. Mum heard and decided to teach me some lessons. After the Hot  Spanks mehn I stop kia, kia -means fast....

3)I love smelling  powder and would go to the extent of tasting it or even it means chewing some... ( I am definitely weird).

4) I love toffee cakes and I love baking cakes and I can watch cartoons forever.

5) I love daydreaming, mehn I can daydreaming for a whole day and not get tired... As in never, all I need is my head functioning well and I go to places and create wonderful fantasises.... good ones though.

6)I am very close to my MUM, I am so close to my mum she knows everything about me. I tell her everything and she tells me everything. I am so close to her, we talk precisely everyday.

7) I love the camera, I am a picture freak... As in obsession type. I love posing and I love posing... lol

8) I am a documentary freak. If I have not mentioned well I am now... and if I have,  well I mentioning it again lol and I can read love novels..

9)Wore braces for 18months +  and I loved it... guess what colour they came in most times.... PURPLE..... I chose Purple... I miss my braces... (got teased with it and was called train tracks...).

Here are some Modelling/Posing  pics of me........

                                                            2011- Modelling
                                                         2009 Make-UP Shoot.. if u look closely, I was wearing BRACES.
2009- Make -Up Shoot  by Ara-make-up studious.

Brace face.... Make-Up Photo Shoot.

You are not allowed to copy any of these pictures without the permission of the Blogger/Owner. Doing this is illegal and unlawful...

Thank you and GOD BLESS......

Friday, 5 August 2011

Life in Stage ~ My Story~My Life~My Man Cont...4 Final Series.

Dear Readers,

I am back and I promise to relay the last of the series. I will then proceed to update you with other personal things in my life. YES, Some personal things lol. (Well, I am not promising it would be asap).

Please enjoy the final series of the story. Thank you.

I love my baby, my hubby, my soul mate, my friend, my companion, my crown, my best friend, my sweetest, my sugar plum plum, my earthly igwe, my earthly prince, my lawyer, my comedian, my mirror, my everything and more. Though it been 3 years since saying goodbye to Jonathan, I have gained alot in return, everyday I miss him like yesterday. I remember dancing to our first song and recalling what Jonathan said to me, "honey I will always be there and do right by you". He was, everyday he was always always there smiling, encouraging me and just being my friend.

Looking back on the journey with Jonathan and the prostrate cancer was not hard at all. Jonathan made it so easy for us, he told us all the most beautiful things even when he got the result and we felt the worst. He looked into my eyes and said we will beat this, we will beat this. I couldn't mutter any words and all I kept on doing was nodding my head. I wanted to believe it, I wanted to believe it so bad, but the doctor said the cancer had spread so much and there is little they can do. Even if he does undergo chemo there is no guarantee. Despite all, Jonathan still smiled, took my hand,went out and took all the family out on a dinner date, he made us all laugh and all I could do was remember those words he whispered to me on our wedding day.

We made a decision to tell the kids on a Sunday after a church service and we gathered in the sitting room, I knew I was suppose to be the strong one but all I did was hold my hubby's hand and watch him say those words to our beautiful children. They were all so shocked and asked all the questions, and Jonathan said well, if it is time to join my Lord then I guess it is. But, I will fight, I will fight, and I will fight this thing. I sat there numb and didn't say much, other than its time for lunch.

It was 3 weeks after telling the kids and you could tell they were scared of losing their best friend the man of the house. Jonathan had to tell me the things I did not want to hear or confront, he had to let me know he could go anytime soon. He was already getting weak, he had informed his work place and they were sympathetic and wanted to have a ceremony but he was getting too weak at this point. My baby said he wasn't taking any medications and that he was done with the chemo program. I tried to encourage him and he said, "baby, I have to live in peace without pain, I need to teach my boys to become the man they should be for their wives". I need to talk with my daughter to understand the qualities to look for in a man. If I stay here, I will be in agony and will not be able to teach them, love them and create wonderful memories to the ones we already have. I had no choice but to allow him  fulfil his wish.

He was given 3 months by the Doctor, and he made sure each day was memorable, he took the boys out and  spoke with them and gave them all his time. He also did that with our beautiful daughter. Two weeks before his departure, he sat me there. I was dreading it so badly, he woke up late in the afternoon  that day and he was incredibly weak, I could see his ribs, his bones were poking out (I hated that part). But he could still smile, he would still try to eat my food, crack jokes, praise God. He sat me there and went on his knees and smiled and said he was sorry, he was sorry that he couldn't do it all, he was sorry that he wouldnt see my wrinkles, he is sorry he wont go on holiday with me to Spain like we planned, he is sorry that he wont tickle me, he is sorry that he wont annoy me, he is sorry he wont hold my waist, he is sorry he wont  be in those occasions we went together, e.g. Nigeria Holiday, he is sorry he will miss the boys graduation, he is sorry he will not be there holding my head on his chest, he is sorry he wont be able to hold me his arms, he is sorry he wont buy my first walking stick (funny boy) and he is sorry that he got sick and didn't finish chemo and he is sorry that he didn't see us grow old together and finish this marriage race together. He just kept saying please forgive me, am sorry.

All I could do was cry, cry cry cry,cry, I didn't know what to say, I just knelt down and hugged him hard and wanting to speak but I could not. It was hard, it was hard watching my baby go, it was hard praying and getting angry at God and at the same time happy that he would see us through. It was not easy  many nights I would ask God why and and for healing, but God said it was time. I was so angry, how can it be time, this was not the plan? God said Jonathan wants to come home and I kept saying why would you want him to come home, why? God said that something Jonathan can answer.

I remember 3 days before his departure and me standing over his hospital bed, he had been there for a week. I asked him why he gave up and why he didn't allow God to heal him. He smiled and said, " baby, the love of my life, its my time". "I want to go".  I stood there, numb  how can you say that after all we have been through. He took my hand and said it is not you, it is not us, its not me. I guess, I feel like I have done my part and the rest is in his hands.

I looked at him and said my very last words he replied "Do not ever stop caring, do not stop being that wonderful Jonathan and always visit". I made sure he promised and he said he promised. That was it, he slept for 2 days and left on the third day.

To say it was hard is an understatement, to say I still do not hurt, is a lie, to say that I hate being in this position is a lie, to say I don't want  to give up is a lie. But, for some reason I find courage, I find courage from God, I find courage from our children, I find courage from what our marriage was about, I find courage from what we have achieved together, I find courage from our memories, I find courage from our testimonies together, I find courage from his values, his principles, his character. I look at everything and I am happy, am happy because he didn't leave us, he didn't stay away, he did his part and it was time.

I am happy that his children will become great, they will bear children that will make  positive impact and our generations will carry the genes of Jonathan and that makes me happy. That I would be part of history.
It is not easy to lose someone dear to you but you have to rise above the challenges no matter how hard, how unjust, how unfair, how sad. We have to be VICTORIOUS.. ALWAYS

This story was inspired by the Holy SPIRIT, it is purely fictional, any correlation to a real life story is purely coincidental. But, I want to say JESUS CARES, HE CARES BECAUSE HE FELT IT TOO. HE CARES BECAUSE HE CAN SEE THE PAIN, the pain of losing someone, the pain of not being able to hold or see that person or communicate with them.

I pray he will comfort us, he will see us through and help us to get through any pain in our hearts. I pray he will  pure his healing love in our hearts and help us to see the joy that comeS in the morning.

This was very emotional for me (I cried all through writing this, but I hope it inspires, encourages and uplifts you that there is hope.)

Ok.. back to the happy me.. lol. well I see u in few days in other post.

God is love, love yourself and on others too...

Note: Sometimes it is not that God does not heal, sometimes people in some serious states like Jonathan just want to go home, they just want to their part and go home.


Welcome Back!!!

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