Hello Everyone,

I am here again o. Well feeling motivated.
Thank you all for the loving comments including the private emails greatly appreciated. Muahh.
After watching this Youtube(I will include the video below). I felt motivated to actually update.
I do believe am in the process of diagnosing my problems yes o or maybe issues.
I am far too lazy, always giving excuses and way too much of a thinker(thinker in a sense that I don't get up and do but sit and over analyse). Watching the video did not only enlighten me but has helped me to come back to reality(I need to constantly remind myself to live in the now and not future).
At some point, I got to the stage where I felt like I no longer want to blog and that I had nothing to offer anymore.I felt that I started this blog because I was hurting at the time and blogsville was my family. Having a blog should be more of a purpose isn't it?
We will delve deep some other time.
Journey on my natural hair so far.
Next month I will be one year Yippee!!!
Please indulge in the pics below.
My hair can finally do small puffs.Yay! April/May measurements.
March/April pics. All twists outs.
Bantu knots first attempt. Not bad.

Results! And no am not pouting lol only mocking around.
Random. If you look closely I was defo pouting (posh though) lol. x
That is all. You are free to ask me any questions regarding my hair regime.
I hardly use products on my hair and I love it that way.
As promised link to the video I watched.(Btw one of my hair icons).