Wednesday, 26 September 2012


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Shout out to the blogsville family…

Thank you to old and new followers, readers, silent and non-silent visitors  lol.xx

Not exactly feeling great at the moment after reading one of the blogsville fam post (P.E.T. PROJECT)I really don’t know what to say which is very unusual, but sometimes I find silence is not such a bad thing. It doesn’t mean you don’t care but it just seems right at the moment, nonetheless a word of encouragement is better most times.

I pray for grace for us all to live and fulfil our purpose on this EARTH. AMEN. As long as we have achieved purpose then it’s not so bad, in as much as it hurts our family and even the departed, at least we have done our part. (Although, achieving purpose is questionable and possibly subjective/ debatable).
I have been doing a lot of thinking, actually I have done a lot of thinking and probably still doing. I think I have come to an understanding if not a conclusion that many notions/ideas are quite interesting if not alarming in some cases.

Notion1: The idea that some people will do anything ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to get married is one that I find not only amusing but mentally disturbing. To starts off with, the human attention we crave for i.e. partner, spouse etc is normal but some of us are extreme because not only do we want it all i.e. a spouse, children  etc etc we will do anything or are willing to do ANTHING  within our POWER to get it.. WHY? Is my question, is that the ONLY thing we should be striving for? Seriously.  It got me thinking, so after all that shouting, prayers, fasting, visiting pastors for deliverance, meeting with witch doctors, binding the devil, doing online/offline dates all in the name of finding the ONE. What if the “one” in quote comes and he dies tomorrow, what if?? What do we do then? Or better still he comes and his manhood is chopped OFF, (Godforbid) but am sure there are people with stories like these oo, or how about if he has AIDS or she has  a disease or something…  For me, I think the craziness is becoming too much and concerning because it seems to me some of us are making these mere mortals our gods well prominent gods. 

Note:  Am not saying we should not daydream or desire for a partner, but am saying the motives is questionable and the things/sacrifices some of us are willing to make is just scary.

The fact that some of us think our partners have or should I say have   supernatural powers to maybe cure our loneliness or issues or maybe help fill the VOID is not only alarming, or disturbing. It is PURELY IMPOSSIBLE and so UNFAIR on the other person. Why: should anyone be responsible for your own happiness and wellbeing in the case of a partner, why should a mere man/woman have such a BURDEN that they are made to live and breathe YOU? Lol Nobody in this planet can fulfil you if you are not FULFILLED AS A PRESON. WHY: As humans we are constantly changing and growing and what we like yesterday can become today’s issue.  Besides, the world around us is constantly changing putting pressures on us to match up to certain standards and affluence to an extent. So if you aren’t fulfilled NOW, surely any other forms of fulfilment will be TEMPRORARY and it will be back to SQUARE ONE again. 

To elaborate, we are selfish beings and we will always want although some of us are EXTREME, it does not take away the fact that we are always needy.  So THERFORE, how can we place so much hopes and responsibilities on that ONE PERSON that is a mere mortal,  that can die anyway or RUN AWAY when it becomes too much. I think we should just aim to keep working on us and let it be o jare.

TO BE COntinued.....


God is good in the good times, bad times  and ugly ones. 


  1. Girl yi, oya come and take your hug. You are too much right now. It was as if you were reading my mind o. I just read a post on Mamuje's blog

    This: "Why should anyone be responsible for your own happiness" is just the question o

    If a person is not happy now, a marriage is not going to automatically make you happy. End of

    1. LOL.... i take am... the hug that is..thanks..

      I have a big head ohh.... lol..

      Thank you oh Marriage will not make you HAPPY instead the sacrifices will scare the pants of u.. lol.

  2. Don't worry, you will find the right one. Just be happy and comfortable with yourself and everything will fall into pleasant places for you. It is well xox

    1. Hello Mamuje, thank u for visiting.xx

      I have already found the right one..YES by FAITH its just a matter of time. Like there is time for everything.

      I am so comfortable and happy oh... I just pray some of us see this too.. xxx

    2. I meant some of us experience happiness and comfort.

  3. I like this post. Like Mamuje said, time and thought is very important. Plus prayers too, :)

  4. no one can make you happy if you're not happy on your own, happiness comes from inside.
    great post.

  5. Yes, as humans, we are very takes only YOU to be happy.

  6. You nailed it right. It is so unfair to the other person. I agree with the totality of the points you made

    1. THANK u love for visiting.. AND Thank you for agreeing... YAY...xx

  7. preach sister, people need to hear this home truth. no-one can complete you,they only complement you!

  8. Like I heard on a show yesterday, when you get lonely get to know yourself better. A lot f people need to do that. Lovey post. *now going to Mamuje seeing s/he's got a lotta mention*

    Nice post.

  9. it saddens me too when i hear some women will do anything or even settle for less just to be mrs somebody...

    i always say on the soulsista's blog- choosing a life partner should be seen as a business transcation.

    however i cant say much or give out advice as such since i am somebody's mrs. Abi ke?

    All i can do is pray that these type of women will come to the realisation that if you are not complete or happy, marriage wil not change that.


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